Meals included : B+L+D Transportation : Bus,Airplane,Car,Boat Guide : Yes
  • Overview
  • Trip Outline
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Set off on a 15-day expedition with Guyana Undiscovered and be among the few to experience Guyana's largest rainforest reserves and protected sites. This nature-infused adventure unveils the mysteries of Kaieteur National Park, Iwokrama Reserve, and Karanambu's diverse habitats. Dive into a world where giant anteaters, rare birds, and the elusive jaguar roam freely. Discover the untouched landscapes of Sloth Island and immerse yourself in a truly unique journey. 

2023 Tour Dates: 

  • October: 15 - 29, 2023
  • November: 12-26, 19 - 03 Dec

2024 Dates:

  • January: 7-21, 14-28
  • February: 4 - 18, 11-25
  • March: 3-17, 10-24, 17-31
  • April: 7-21, 14-28, 21-5 May
  • August: 18- 1 sept
  • September: 8 - 22, 15 - 29
  • October: 6- 20, 13-27
  • November: 3-17, 10-24
  • December: 1-15, 8-22

Set off on a 15-day expedition with Guyana Undiscovered and be among the few to experience Guyana's largest rainforest reserves and protected sites. This nature-infused adventure unveils the mysteries of Kaieteur National Park, Iwokrama Reserve, and Karanambu's diverse habitats. Dive into a world where giant anteaters, rare birds, and the elusive jaguar roam freely. Discover the untouched landscapes of Sloth Island and immerse yourself in a truly unique journey. 

2023 Tour Dates: 

  • October: 15 - 29, 2023
  • November: 12-26, 19 - 03 Dec

2024 Dates:

  • January: 7-21, 14-28
  • February: 4 - 18, 11-25
  • March: 3-17, 10-24, 17-31
  • April: 7-21, 14-28, 21-5 May
  • August: 18- 1 sept
  • September: 8 - 22, 15 - 29
  • October: 6- 20, 13-27
  • November: 3-17, 10-24
  • December: 1-15, 8-22


Day 1

Arrival in vibrant Georgetown

Upon arrival in Guyana, if your flight is scheduled for late afternoon or night, you will be picked up from the airport and transferred to your hotel to spend the night.
On the other hand, if you have a morning flight, we will pick you up and take you to the hotel to drop off your luggage.

If you are a birdwatcher and arrive during the day, we have a Botanical Gardens birding tour available for you. During the tour, you will get a chance to spot various bird species including Blood-coloured Woodpeckers, White-bellied Piculet, Snail Kites, Limpkins, Donacobius, and many parrots such as Festive Macaws, including both Red-bellied and Red-shouldered, Black-crested Antshrike, White-bellied, and many more.
Alternatively, you can spend the afternoon at your leisure.

You will spend the night at Sleep Inn International Hotel or a similar accommodation.

Day 2

Leg 1: Gateway to Kaieteur's Wilderness

At the crack of dawn, our driver will be at your hotel to pick you up at 6:30 a.m for an 8-hours overland journey Mahdia. On the journey, you’ll pass through Linden, a bustling mining town, before continuing along a dusty road towards Mabura Hills and Konawaruk. Our team will ensure you have all the amenities you need for the long journey ahead.

After reaching Madhia, we’ll continue our journey for another 45 minutes to Pamela’s Landing on the Potaro River. Make the most of this comfortable first leg because the next few days will be challenging.

From Pamela’s Landing, you’ll board a boat and travel upstream for another 45 minutes, surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature, until we reach your destination near Amatuk Falls.

Here, we’ll set up camp in the jungle. You can take a quick dip in refreshing river water while enjoying the sound of water gushing down the falls. For dinner, you’ll enjoy a bush-cooked and spend the night at the jungle camps in hammocks.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight: Camping at Amatuk

Day 3

Kaieteur Gorge – Nature’s Grandeur

We'll continue your river journey through the Kaieteur Gorge for another 30-45 minutes on a boat situated above the falls, right after breakfast.

The steep slopes surrounding the gorge create a sense of enclosure rising on each side to a height of 2,000 feet (609 meters), as if the world beyond doesn't exist. Some of the bare rock faces resemble ancient temples and are a true sight to behold.

At a certain point, the boat ride ends and you can start the hike to the Tukeit campsite. En route, you'll visit a breathtaking waterfall where you can take a refreshing dip before continuing on to the base of Kaieteur Falls.

Upon arriving at the campsite, you can take in the breathtaking view of the jungle canopy as you set up your tent. Dinner will consist of a delectable meal cooked on a bush fire.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight: Camping at Amatuk

Day 4

Kaieteur Falls - Nature's Marvel

After enjoying a hearty breakfast, we'll embark on a four-hour hike from Tukiet to the top of Kaieteur Falls, where we'll be rewarded with a stunning sight. As you make your way through the mountains and streams, you'll feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins as you tackle the challenging “Oh My God” ascent. The first sight of Kaieteur Falls will leave you awestruck, and all the effort will seem worthwhile.

As the sun sets, the sky becomes a canvas of vibrant oranges and pinks, providing the perfect backdrop for the swifts to put on their nightly display. As you watch, you'll see the swifts dart and weave through the air, heading towards their rocky nesting sites behind the wall of water. We will spend the night at the Kaieteur Guesthouse after a delicious dinner.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight: Kaieteur Guesthouse

Day 5

Return to Georgetown

The view of the Falls from Johnson View is stunning, especially as the morning mist lifts.

Watch out for golden frogs, as they prefer to live in giant bromeliads and never leave their home from tadpole to adulthood.

In the afternoon you will board a flight back to Georgetown.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
Overnight: Herdmanston Lodge

Day 6

Leg 2: Iwokrama - Nature's Sanctuary

To start the second part of your tour, we'll collect you from your hotel bright and early and head to the Ogle airport for your flight to Lethem. From there, you will be transferred to Iwokrama.

Established in 1996, Iwokrama is a one million-acre reserve jointly managed by the Government of Guyana and the Commonwealth Secretariat, with the aim of providing lasting ecological, economic, and social benefits to the people of Guyana and beyond. In addition to its research functions, Iwokrama is also a hub for eco-tourism, attracting numerous daily visitors.

If you're lucky, you might catch a glimpse of red-brocket deer, red-brocket deer and Guyana’s monitor lizard, as you move between lodges on the trail.

As we make our way through the area, we could come across Cocoi and Capped Herons, Black Skimmers, Pied Lapwings, Large-billed and Yellow-billed Terns, and Anhinga.

The nature trails are a prime location to spot the red-throated Caracara, Gray-winged Trumpeter, Spix's Guan, and Collared Trogon.

Among the bird species in this region are the Amazonian Antshrike, Rufous-capped Antthrush, and Sooty-headed Tyrannulet.

You'll be able to fully immerse yourself in nature at the River Lodge, where the comfortable cabins overlook the Essequibo River.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight: Iwokrama River Lodge

Day 7

Turtle Mountain’s Panoramas

Following an early breakfast, you'll board a boat at the Field Station and enjoy a scenic 30-minute ride to the base of Turtle Mountain.

The stroll takes about 1 to 1 1/2 hours, but the breathtaking views over the forest canopy make the effort more than worth it.

Turtle Mountain offers a chance to spot a variety of animals, such as giant river otters, yellow-headed river monkeys, and black spider monkeys. You can head back to the Field Station or River Lodge for a delicious lunch.

As the sun sets after dinner, embark on a boat tour down the Essequibo River, listening to the sounds of the jungle at night.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight: Iwokrama River Lodge

Day 8

Leg 3: Surama - Cultural and Natural Gems

Once you finish your breakfast, you will set out on the Iwokrama Road, heading southwest towards the Atta Rainforest Lodge and Iwokrama Canopy Walkway. With some luck, you could catch a glance of the elusive jaguar, a giant cat native to South America.

At 505 feet (154 meters) long, the Iwokrama Canopy Walkway is a state-of-the-art experience that takes visitors deep into the jungle's mid-level canopy.

During your visit, you could catch a glimpse of exotic birds such as the Green Aracari, Scarlet Macaw, Guiana Toucanette, and Channel-bill Toucan. You may also spot the Red howler monkeys during your visit.

Keep an eye out for the epiphytes, including orchids and bromeliads, and watch as the ficus plant engulfs the neighboring tree. The forest is home to a variety of trees, including the rare waramadan, greenheart, and toxic aromata.

From the Canopy Walkway, your journey continues to Surama Eco Lodge, where you'll be immersed in nature. Upon arriving in Surama, you will be welcomed by a village councillor and offered a refreshing snack while confirming your itinerary, including any adjustments.

After settling into your accommodation, you can take a leisurely walk around the eco-lodge to learn about its surroundings. After that, your guide will take you on a village tour, giving you the opportunity to visit the local school, medical centre, church, and some village houses before lunch.

Be prepared to walk about 1.8 miles (3 kilometres) on this tour. As the afternoon cools, your guide will take you for a short walk on the Marabunta trails to observe the forest and bird life.

As the sun sets, embark on a guided walk to observe wildlife and experience the magical ambiance of the forest.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight: Surama Eco-Lodge

Day 9

Camping at Carahaa Landing Camp

Rise before dawn for a walk across the savannah and then take a challenging climb up Surama Mountain in the cool morning air - which is the best time to observe bird life along the trail.

Breakfast will be served at a lookout point which affords incredible views across the village and savannah to the Pakaraima Mountains.

This tour is approximately 3.1 miles (5 kilometres) roundtrip.

After returning to the lodge for an early lunch and a 1-hour siesta, take a walk or transfer across the savannah and through the rainforest to the Burro-Burro River.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight: Hammock at the Carahaa Landing Camp

Day 10

Leg 4: Karanambu - Rainforest and Savannah Magic

Begin your adventure at sunrise, departing from Surama, and embark on a scenic drive towards Ginep landing before making the final stretch to Karanambu by boat.

As you arrive at Karanambu Lodge, a friendly staff member will greet you and take you to the lodge. Karanambu Ranch sits at the edge of the rainforest, with the savannah stretching out beyond.

Visitors can choose from two guided excursions each day, one early in the morning and another in the late afternoon and evening. These times are not only perfect for being outside, but also for observing various birds and animals.

Trips can take you by boat down the river, on a Land Rover through the savannahs, or on foot along forest trails to the other ponds.

Activities usually include:

  • Searching for wild otters along the river and among the ponds
  • Tracking a giant anteater across the savannah
  • Sipping rum punch while watching the giant Victoria Amazonica lily blossom before your eyes
  • Boating through the flooded forest in the wet season.
  • Enjoy flora and fauna along the walking trails among the forest ponds
  • Spotting all sorts of amazing animals when they come out of hiding at night

A bird-watching enthusiast would find plenty to marvel at while observing the many different species of birds along the nearby rivers and oxbow lakes. Some of these species include Capuchin birds, Striped Woodcreeper, Pale-bellied Tyrant-Manakin, Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher, Bearded Tachuri, Bicolored Wren, and White-tailed Goldenthroat.

As we journey down the river, our senses are filled with the sight of Jabiru, Rufescent Tiger-Heron, Ringed and Amazon Kingfishers, Purple Gallinule, Agami Heron, and Wattled Jacanas gracefully walking on water lilies.

As the afternoon wears on, keep your eyes peeled for the Lesser Razor-billed Curassow, Sunbittern, Black-chinned Antbird, and Boat-billed Heron.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight: Karanambu Lodge

Day 11

Karanambu - Rainforest and Savannah Magic

This morning, you will make an early start to explore the vast grasslands and observe the giant anteaters that call it home. You’ll look for black and spectacled caiman, giant river otter, and many species of monkeys.

If you're lucky, you might spot one of these six-foot-long animals tearing into its breakfast on one of the red termite mounds dotted throughout the savannah. The giant anteater, also called the ant bear, has a long snout and tongue that it uses to eat insects, and it is found in Central and South America.

Its snout is elongated, tail bushy, and foreclaws long, making it easily recognizable. Using its powerful foreclaws, it digs up ants and termites to fuel its diet.

In the afternoon, you will travel on the Rupununi River to Simoni Lake, where you will probably find Green-and-rufous Kingfisher, Bare-necked Fruitcrow and Spot-breasted Woodpecker.

Return to Karanambu Lodge on time for dinner.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight: Karanambu Lodge

Day 12

Leg 5: Fly to Georgetown and Sloth Island Nature Resort

As the sun rises, you'll embark on your journey from Karanambu to Lethem, where you'll catch the 10 am flight back to Georgetown. In just 1 hour, the flight will be over. Once you arrive at Ogle Airport, our driver will be waiting to transfer you to Parika. From there, you will join a boat to Sloth Island and experience the beauty of the river. Upon your arrival, your hosts will meet and greet you with a smile.

After a long journey in Guyana's interior, you can finally relax and settle into your accommodation. With its calm and peaceful atmosphere, Sloth Island Nature Resort is the ultimate destination for relaxation.

For those who prefer a more relaxing activity, take a dip in the cool waters of the Essequibo river or play board games.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight: Sloth Island Resort

Day 13

Sloth Island , Parrot Island, Marshall Falls

The early morning birding tour on Sloth island's nature trails is the perfect way to start your day. Following breakfast, embark on an exciting expedition to observe the diverse wildlife, including the elusive Harpy Eagle.

Our journey will take us deeper into the mainland to explore the quaint village of Amerindian Falmouth. Witness the cassava bread-making demonstration and engage with the friendly villagers during your visit.

We'll have a satisfying lunch, then board the boat for a refreshing dip in the gushing water of Marshall Falls. Come back in the afternoon and experience a guided tour of Parrot Island. Return in time for dinner.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight: Sloth Island Resort

Day 14

Last Leg: Return to Georgetown's Charm

After a delicious breakfast, you will return to Georgetown and enjoy a city tour.
You'll drive through wide avenues surrounded by trees, seeing impressive buildings like St George's Cathedral, City Hall, and Victorian Law Courts. Dive into Guyanese culture by visiting special places like Umana Yana, the Walter Roth Museum, and the National Museum. End your city tour with a peaceful visit to the Botanical Gardens.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch,
Overnight: Herdmanston Lodge

Day 15

Depart Guyana – A Farewell to the Undiscovered

Relish your final Guyanese breakfast, reminiscing about the pristine wilderness and unparalleled experiences of the past fortnight. With memories to last a lifetime, it's time to depart. Your transfer to Cheddi Jagan International Airport is arranged, ensuring a smooth end to your "Guyana Undiscovered" odyssey. Safe travels, and may the spirit of Guyana always beckon you back.

  • Accommodation
  • Internal flights
  • Transfers between airports and hotels
  • Listed hotels and hotel taxes 
  • Activities as described and admission charges where applicable
  • River and land transfers
  • Listed lodges with full board and other meals as indicated
  • Local guides
  • Local beverages.

International airfare, airport/departure taxes, gratuities, optional excursions, and travel insurance.

Items you should bring:

  • Raincoat/poncho
  • Hats
  • Suntan lotion
  • Insect repellent
  • Malaria tabs (not necessary but reasonable to have anyway)
  • Head torch
  • Waterproof bags for passports and important documents, money, etc.
  • Breathable hiking boots (high top)
  • Sneakers/trainers for other locations and indoors
  • Long sleeve shirts for colder nights and protection against insects and the sun
  • Short sleeve cotton shirts for warmer days in the city and some lodges
  • Short cotton pants for warmer days
  • Small backpack(s) for separating luggage for interior travel

Note: Luggage should not exceed more than 10 kilos for internal trips. Any extra weight will incur an additional cost of USD 0.75 per pound.



  • Hotel upgrade at extra cost.
  • Tour information and prices are subject to change without notice.
  • Hotels and lodges are subject to availability.
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